Welcome Back!

What’s Inside?

  • A Message from Your GPA Executive
  • Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) 
  • Casino Information
  • And more…

A Message from Your GPA Executive

Welcome back, and a warm welcome also to all of our new GATE families!

While it’s hard to say goodbye to lazy summer days, we’re excited about what the next year will bring. Your GPA executive is hard at work right now, organizing our next casino. We received our new dates just recently, and will need YOUR help in order to make our biggest fundraiser a success. More on that below. 

In addition to our upcoming casino, we are planning for our Annual General Meeting. This is an election year. If you have ever considered volunteering with your GPA, now is the time. We need YOU on our team! Please contact us and let us know how you’d like to help. 

We wish you all a great start to the school year. If you have questions for us, or suggestions for future Education Sessions, please let us know! 

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Mark your calendars!

We will be holding this year’s Annual General Meeting virtually on Tuesday, September 21st at 6:30pm.  

Please join us to learn what has been happening in the past year, and what is coming up for this school year.

To register for the AGM, please click on the link below. 



This is an election year, and WE NEED YOUR HELP

We will elect a new Executive, consisting of President, Vice-PresidentTreasurer and Secretary, for a two-year term. 

We are also looking for Board members, who would serve a one-year term in the following roles:

  • Casino Coordinator – Our casino runs October 28 and 29 this year. We need someone to fill this role ASAP! There is a lot of support from the team for this role. Activities include: Helping to recruit and schedule volunteers; other duties as needed, with support from the Treasurer (e.g. completing final paperwork/reports after the casino event)
  • General Fundraising Chair – who will manage the Christmas Purdys fundraiser (if we proceed this year), with help from the rest of the team, and take on new general fundraising initiatives as the need arises
  • Parent Education Chair – who will work with presenters and venues (or online resources) to schedule and organize parent education sessions 
  • Newsletter Coordinator – who will work with the executive team, school site reps, and other parties to compose newsletters using MailChimp
  • Site Reps for Hillhurst and Henry Wise Wood – who can attend school council meetings, provide a summary of GATE activities and purchases to the GPA secretary, and report any news or concerns to the executive team

To read more about these roles, click on the link below.

If you would like to help and be part of our team, please contact us at info@gatecalgary.ca

Interested members are invited to volunteer as individuals or as teams. We all work together at the GPA, so there’s always lots of support!

NOTE: If your child is enrolled in GATE as of September 2021, you are a member of the GATE Parent Association. You are eligible to vote at business meetings and can be elected to our executive and board at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

You can view previous meeting minutes on our website. 

Casino Fundraiser


Want to help raise A LOT of money in a short time? JOIN US at Elbow River Casino October 28/29!! Please sign up below for one of the roles listed. Please ensure your email and phone number are valid.

Brief Volunteer Descriptions:

General Manager: Responsible for the overall continuity of the casino. Some data entry experience is required. May fill in for any volunteer positions for a short period (not a complete shift) of time if needed.
Banker: In control of the cash and chip inventories. This position is mostly data entry and should be staffed by someone who can use a computer mouse.
Cashier: Redeems players’ chips for cash. Little data entry required.
Chiprunner: Delivers chips from the Banker to the game tables as required. Will count chips with the gaming floor staff as required. A fair amount of data entry is required. 
Countroom Staff: Will sort and use money counting machines to count money. Some data entry required. (*late-night shift)

To sign up to volunteer, please click the link below: 


THANK-YOU! We couldn’t do this without the help of our amazing volunteers! 

Parent Education Sessions

Watch for announcements about upcoming parent information sessions in the fall and winter. Have a suggestion for an information session? Let us know!

ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES offers education sessions which may be of interest to our members:

For details and current calendar, visit http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions

Articles and Helpful Links

CBE 2021-2022 COVID-19 Information

Alberta Health Services Resources for Families

Opinion: ‘Gifted programs’ need to change their name

CBE will recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

For more articles, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Indigo Gift Cards

Support GATE by buying books! This ongoing fundraiser allows members to support the GPA, the GATE program, their students, and our GATE teachers. Shop for things you buy anyway, and earn funds to help enhance the GATE program. 

Click below to buy a gift card, and 15% of the purchase price goes to support the work that we do, including funding for teacher professional development and public information seminars and events. Gift cards may be used at all Chapters, Indigo, and Coles stores, and online.

Click on the image below to purchase.


How can we help you?

GATE Gifted and Talented Parent Association logo

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