GATE Parent Education Session & General Meeting

GATE Parent Education Session:

Goals of Gifted Education

There can be many goals of gifted education. In this talk, Dr. Matthew Makel will provide example goals that have been established by the gifted education field, while also providing context for how parents can assess whether their own goals are being met by the services that their children receive. Dr. Makel is Professor and Chair in High Ability Studies at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, and a Child Health & Wellness Researcher at the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.  

Date: Monday March 3, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Virtual meeting (Zoom)

Non-GATE parents are welcome to attend this session.

Register by February 28, 2025

General Meeting
Immediately following the presentation, we will hold a short GATE Parent Association General Meeting. If you have a student registered in the GATE program for this current school year, you are a member of the GPA.

To register, please fill in your details below and you will be automatically registered. Registration must be completed at least one day (1) prior to the event.

This session is provided for free. Please consider donating.

Please contact us for any further details.

The Annual General Meeting for the GATE Parent Association will be held on Monday September 23, 2024 starting at 7:00 pm.

Our bylaws require that you provide the following information in order to vote at the meeting:

  • Full legal name
  • Name of your student(s) attending the GATE program
  • Name of school(s) attended by student(s)
  • Grade of the student(s)
  • Home Address
To register, please fill in your details below and you will be automatically registered. Registration must be completed at least one day (1) prior to the event.
In order to exercise rights of voting at the AGM, our bylaws require attendees to provide the following information:

How can we help you?

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