Four Tele-seminars for parents of children who are gifted:
June 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2015
Do You:
Hesitate to speak-up or struggle to find the right words to address your child’s needs?
Feel conflicted about if and how you should talk to your child about their giftedness?
Sometimes feel like you’re bragging or making excuses when talking about your child?
Find others cannot relate to your parenting experiences or even belittle your struggles?
Long to talk your parenting challenges, but fear no one will understand?
Dr. Joanna Haase, Psychotherapist; Sharon Duncan, Educational Consultant
These sessions are offered by Gro-Gifted, Research & Outreach; fees apply (may be taken as whole or individually).
For more information or to register, please visit the following link: Gro-Gifted.