How To Talk About Giftedness: Difficult Conversations Made Easy

Four Tele-seminars for parents of children who are gifted:
June 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2015

Do You:

  • Hesitate to speak-up or struggle to find the right words to address your child’s needs?

  • Feel conflicted about if and how you should talk to your child about their giftedness?

  • Sometimes feel like you’re bragging or making excuses when talking about your child?

  • Find others cannot relate to your parenting experiences or even belittle your struggles?

  • Long to talk your parenting challenges, but fear no one will understand?

Dr. Joanna Haase, Psychotherapist;  Sharon Duncan, Educational Consultant

These sessions are offered by Gro-Gifted, Research & Outreach; fees apply (may be taken as whole or individually).

For more information or to register, please visit the following link:  Gro-Gifted.


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