Date: Tuesday April 30, 2024
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Virtual meeting (Zoom)
This session is for students and families supporting a high school student who experiences a disability related barrier in the learning environment. GATE and non-GATE families are welcome to attend.
Dr. Ana Pardo will be addressing the transition from high-school to post-secondary for learners with disability related barriers. Dr. Pardo has spent thirty-five years examining disability, diversity and equity issues, teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of equity and disability and holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Disability and Multi-Cultural Organizational Change. Dr. Pardo has worked as the Director of Access and Inclusion Services at Mount Royal University and the Director of Accessibility Services at the University of Calgary.
Session topics will include:
- The differences between high school and post-secondary institutions regarding accessing and using academic accommodations;
- Transition challenges for grade twelve students;
- Resources to help students navigate the academic accommodation process at the post-secondary level.
General Meeting
A short GATE Parent Association General Meeting will follow the presentation. If you have a student registered in the GATE program for this current school year, you are a member of the GPA. If you want to attend the meeting but not the education session, please still register below.
Meeting link will be sent to all registered participants prior to the meeting. REGISTER HERE