We are always eager to hear from and connect with our gifted community.
Gate Parent Association
Be sure to like our Facebook page, if you would like to obtain more frequent updates about giftedness, including articles and posts that can be informative, heart-warming and even amusing. We hope you enjoy the posts you see and share with others on your own homepage, if you so wish.
GATE Calgary @gatecalgary
Supporting Gifted and Talented Education in Calgary - news, info and resources for the #gifted and for parents & educators of gifted #children. Follow us on Instagram
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*We respect your privacy and your right to an uncluttered email inbox. Updates are brief and infrequent. Be assured that we do not sell, release, or otherwise share your personal contact information with anyone.
Be sure to contact us if you would like to share comments, additional information about giftedness, or if you would like to pose a question you did not find the answer for.
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